Category Archives: Politics Indonesia

A place where you can always be assured of a good belly laugh

Prime Minister Abbott and Foreign Aid

Australia has a new Prime Minister, although it could be said Australia has not had a real Prime Minister for the last six years.  Liberal Party Leader Tony Abbott is the new man and although a bit too religious for the taste of some, he seems a fundamentally decent bloke. Having someone wtith at least some principles which will make a nice change from the sad run of self servers Australia has had to endure during the tenure of the Australian Labor Party.

English: Tony Abbott in 2010.

English: Tony Abbott in 2010. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Labor Party got throughly trounced and it is hard to believe that so many still dont get why? Labour ran a shambolic campaign based on thought bubbles and fraulent charges of false costings.

Firstly, let’s dispence with costings nonsense, all parties will resist releasing any costings until the last minute. Why take the chance on providing free ammunition? Sorry when did the Labour party release their costings in 2007 was it one or two days before?

Laughably, the more Labor’s rusted on, inner twits raved about costings, the more it reminded joe average about labour’s litany of billion dollar budget and surplus misses. The Libs could not have planned it better. Seriously was there anyone in Australia who believed Gillard and Swan on the returns to surplus? Penny Wong was probably one of the best operators for the future of the ALP but after standing time after time behind the money clowns is now throughly compromised.

Bleating about Abbott cutting foreign aid? Seriously? Let’s look close to home for a start. Billions of dollars to Indonesia and meanwhile Indonesia uses that aid to help the poorest? Well actually no they don’t.  Indonesia has just received the another few Russian Jet fighters, 100 Leopard Tanks and now just signed off on a whole new batch of Apache Helicopters. Now call me naive, but Leopard Tanks and Apache choppers do not normally make the best delivery platform for aid delivery. Is there anyone in the real world who does not think foreign aid does not need a massive review?  Shall we talk about the billion of foreign aid misused (ok fraudlently misused) dumping free wads of cash in order to secure UN votes and promptly dumped once we had what we needed? Gee must be me because savings here seem a no brainer, add integrity and have billions.

Leopard Tanks

Leopard Tanks

The ALP campaign was a disaster, from the clown who said he wanted to move away from negative, it turned out that’s all EX PM Rudd had besides ill thought out nonsense like  “let’s move the Navy (how’s the costings on that?) NBN (How’s the costings on that?), Special Tax Zones..(costings amongst laughter). Of course, the attempts to attack the man brutally backfired. You may not like Abbott as traditional or overly religious or conservative but in a judgement of personal attributtes a pompous little public servant bully was exposed to the public by both his own party history. Again ask Joe Average who he would want living next door to him, Kevin (I dont care if your house is on fire just dont let it near me) Rudd or Abbott. Climate Change????  Oooh the warmest winter. Come on guys, the public is sick of this hyperbole and those kind of time frame references just make you look silly.

Critically, you would be hard pressed to find anyone that does not care about the enviroment but the average Australian is no longer going to tolerate ripping billions of dollars out of the ecomony (and their pockets) to feed an ever growing bunch of hangers-on to make exactly zero difference to the environment. Tell me again how many hangers on attended the Climate Change Conference in Cophenhagen? Tell me again what degree of difference in temperature Australia will achieve if Australia ceased All carbon emissions tomorrow? Now if you want to demonstrate that the millions/billions collected are going to actually rehabilate the Murray and Darling Basin then I might start listening again.  However you have no hope of me listening to the greens and their anti Israel nonsense.


Aceh’s Daughters Vaginas – Sizes and Descriptions

Aceh is a physically a very beautiful part of Indonesia but with recent limited automony allowing the introduction of Sharia Law,  Aceh has become Indonesia’s intolerant, perverted creepy Uncle.

The province is now better known for its uniformed religious thugs kidnapping young teenagers off the streets for daring to hold hands or nonsensical regulations such as women must ride motor bikes side saddle.


However in a simply bizarre news story oozing out of Aceh, it appears the creepy uncles have reached a new low.  The Jakarta Post reports today:

“A junior high school in Sabang, Aceh, apparently cares so much about its students that it is asking about the sizes of their penises, vaginas and breasts in its registration forms.

One of the forms, there was a questionaire with graphics depicting breasts, vaginas and penises and under each of them, there were four options – from small to large – that a student needed to circle”

penis measure

The mind boogles at what Junior High School girl would be expected to circle when asked how big her vagina is?  This is a sick and depraved part of Indonesia and anyone who thinks Sharia Law or a vote for one of the Islamist Parties (PKS) is the answer to the countries ills should look long and hard at what occurs here.



The paid religious thugs of Indonesia better know as the FPI are embarrassing the nation again.  One could ask how much longer are the police and the government going to sit idly by and let these sexually insecure and cowardly thugs continue to harass Indonesian citizens.

The Act of Killing

The Act of Killing:

Despite the views of one rather repugnant views of one resident and ignorant expatriate blogger, the mass slaughters that took place during rise of the new order and toppling of Sukarno are nothing for Individuals or the nation to celebrate.  Despite the revisionist history this period was one marked by blood and government  sanctioned, cowardice and cruelty.  Many would say the lack of accountability for the atrocities that took place laid the groundwork for the blanket disregard for human rights that continues in many forms to this day.

A very confronting documentary “The Act of Killing,” by Joshua Oppenheimer and released last year recounts the slaughters committed in 1965-66 in primarily through the eyes of perpetrators.  It is gut wrenching to watch as people oft regarded as heroes  exposed by their own words as vile and evil human beings.  One particular piece of human trash and still highly respected in its community details how he raped and killed hundreds of girls particularly relishing the young ones of 14 and 15 as they are still fresh.  The girls crimes, maybe they were communists which of course is absolute nonsense.

Do find the time to watch the movie and do recall it when someone next to you proclaims the proud and noble fight for Indonesia’s stained soul.


PKS calls for AIDs victims to be punished

The PKS party in Indonesia, despite its nonsensical sanctimonious rantings about morality is better known for its members embarrassing habit of getting caught up in Porn and Graft scandals, not to mention running little harams of young female mistresses.

English: IPSF HIV/AIDS Campaign Logo

English: IPSF HIV/AIDS Campaign Logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Yet, in a jaw dropping statement of ignorance and prejudice by one of its members that transcends even the usual outrageous and low standards for the PKS, the party proved yet again it has no place in a civilised and educated society. It was reported today PKS Legislator Wirianingsih maliciously drooled that AIDS patients should not be covered under Government Health Care Program due to start in 2014.

This profoundly ignorant woman (and term woman is used loosely) stated:

“Why should the people with HIV/AIDS be given free medicine? They should be punished because it is their fault what is causing them to suffer from HIV/AIDS”

Punished for AIDs? How much more does this idiotic tool of a woman want someone to suffer?

One can only assume, this human liability is equating AIDs to the that infantile PKS (and other religious nutters) fantasy that AIDS is God’s punishment for a “liberal” sexual lifestyle.  Of course, in Indonesia AIDs is rampant, thanks to an abysmal record of disease control in hospitals and government corruption (in which the KPS is a platinum record holder).  Every year tens of thousands of young girls are forced into prostitution with idiot men refusing to wear condoms as the only means to survive.  Not that the hard line Islamic Parties can comment much with the high degree of homosexual fumblings as normal social interaction between boys and girls is increasingly mutilated in the name of religion.

Wiri should probably be wary of what she says, with the Indonesian and PKS tradition of virtually every male of means having a couple of mistresses on the side.  There is a very real chance that Karma will come riding in on a blood and sperm soaked charger.

Pity Indonesia, with legislators as pig ignorant as this.

Indonesia Exposes Kevin Rudd as a Dudd (again)

Indonesian people smuggler Sayed Abbas avoids extradition to Australia –  After shrilling from the rooftops about another Foreign Relations coup and securing the promise of the President of Indonesia that Indonesia would indeed assist his insatiable quest for a head line, Caretaker Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Australia were made to look like fools as an Indonesian Court released a known people smuggler and refused Australia’s request for extradition.


As stated in a previous post, only a naive or egotistical fool would believe Indonesia has any interest in stopping the flow of asylum seekers to Australia.  The reality is the people trade is a very lucrative if morally corrupt source of income to wide range of government officials and others. There was no way the Rudd & SBY talks were going to be anything other than a very very expensive australian taxpayer funded talkfest.


Speaking of fools, it is disheartening and a comment on the general intellect of a section of the Australian voters to see the way Rudd is feted at some public outings. A petulant little bully with unending litany of policy failures, Home Insulation, Carbon Tax, Miners Tax, Asylum Seekers, Super Plundering the list is sadly endless and yet this bizarre little man is actually mobbed by some.  Go figure.





Indonesia Bans Alcohol and Sex

Well Ramadan the Muslim fasting month is here. Sadly in Indonesia, Ramadan has become less about religious observance but more an excuse for sad little minority thug groups like the FPI to display their intolerance and ignorance.

The FPI loosely translated from Indonesian means “Islamic Defender’s Front”, which frankly is a disgrace as it would be difficult to think of a rabble that do more to bring the name of Islam into disrepute more than these sexually insecure, mommy boys.  Historically, they were created as “shadow” gang to serve as proxy for “connected” government identities.  There is little to suggest that is still not the case.

Indonesia's Shame
Indonesia’s Shame

The FPI claim to be Defenders of Islam is certainly fraudulent as evidenced by the selectivity of the targets of their cowardly violence, theft and abuse.  It is almost laughable when these morons start targeting what they call “sinful” places when it is obvious to all that Money, Connections and above all strength of numbers (The FPI never attack when there is a chance of a fair fight) decides what place is targeted for violence.  Who could forget the hilarious sight of the heroic FPI cowering in their plane behind female flight attendants when they landed in Kalimantan and were met by a justifiably outraged Dayak community.

In this year’s Ramadan piece of FPI stupidity an application to the Supreme Court for local governments have the right to prohibit Alcohol was granted.  Of course, this is country already ravaged by illegal grog shops killing people with menthol and we obviously have learned nothing for the failure of prohibition the world over. Still every corrupt copper must be rubbing their hands with glee at the coming windfall.

Does it matter? Not really! After the grand Jakarta Rally for the creation of an Islamic Caliphate demonstrated the inability of hardline minority groups to count, let alone dispose of their own waste there is little chance of rational person regarding these morons with anything but contempt.

Curiously, it is puzzling why like the FPI and others can call for the creation of an Islamic Caliphate and the dismantling of democracy and not be considered traitors to the state.  Even more curious when you consider just raising the RMS or Morning Star Flag will land you years in prison.

Lastly, in an effort to top last year’s FPI howler where expatriates were responsible for the prositute trade (where every Expat would in the country would have been responsible for supporting over 380 working girls a year, and boy is he tired!). Adul Nutcase declared only tourists and expatriates drink alcohol.

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Prime Minister Rudd and President SBY discuss lame ducks

Australian Prime Minister Rudd met with Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono today in Jakarta in a taxpayer funded fiasco that could be described as a meeting of the lame ducks.


Rudd as most know is a recycled Prime Minister and the last ditch effort by the Australian Labor Party to avoid annihilation at  this years Australian Election after three years of the most dysfunctional government in Australia’s post war history.  President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is an ex-general whose somewhat “interesting” military history was overlooked as he was elected as the people’s champion.  Unfortunately the best that could be said about his presidency is a massive opportunity for much needed reform has gone missing.

English: Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, president o...

English: Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, president of Indonesia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Obviously two key issues on the agenda was the resumption of beef imports and asylum seekers to Australia.  Both issues of major concern to the Australian Electorate and both issues due to the sheer incompetence of the Rudd Labor Government.  In a jaw dropping display of foreign affairs ignorance (wilful or otherwise) Rudd described a proposal by President SBY to hold a forum on the Asylum Seeker issue “a bold initiative”.  A three day Bali tourist could have told Rudd that the SBY government is more commonly known as NATO (No Action Talk Only).


Religious Intolerance, Military and Police Abuses of Power, Increased Corruption and Thuggery are daily occurrences as the SBY Government holds daily impotent “talks”.  The cringing beggary by Rudd for the resumption of the live cattle trade is equally hard to stomach.  Make no mistake, the torture and abuse of these animals was a blight on both Australia and Indonesia, however the inept handling of the issue by the Labor government was unforgivable.  To pretend now that Indonesia has cleaned up it’s act is a sick joke.  In yet another twilight zone moment, Rudd went on to say  “Indonesia has some of the best feedlots and abattoir practices in the world” A statement that is simply and provable abject nonsense.  K.Rudd must know this or he is fool, a liar or both?


Anyone with any doubt about Indonesia’s commitment to ethical treatment of animals only has to visit the houses of filth and death more commonly called the Jakarta and Surabaya Zoos.  Or for a real stomach turning experience wait and watch the orgy of blood and pain as every street has a fool with a blunt knife pretending to be a butcher for a yearly religious festival. The streets literally run with blood and the pitiful cries of badly slaughtered animals fills the air.


Never the less, rest assured the one thing Indonesian politicians are good at, is smelling easy money. Indonesia knows full well Rudd needs a nice headline from this trip.  The only question is how many millions Rudd is willing to throw at Indonesia to achieve it.

Kevin Rudd

Kevin Rudd (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Speaking of morons who have no idea about Indonesia. Who was the complete twit writing the article in The Australian Business pages praising an Indonesian Wealth Management Company recommending a long view on Bumi Shares.



Bakrie, Berau, Bumi..Follow the money?

Bumi, Berau Coal and Aburizal Bakrie are in the news again and not in a good way. Berau is 84.7 percent owned by London-listed Bumi plc, which is currently 23.8 percent indirectly owned by Bakrie Group. The Bakrie Group is controlled by members of the Bakrie family. 

English: Aburizal Bakrie, Indonesia's Coordina...

Aburizal Bakrie, 

As is all so common with Indonesia news reports the article is far more interesting for what it does not say than for what it does.  An extract from the article.

Bumi plc announced last week that it had signed an agreement with Berau’s former president director Rosan Roeslani, who agreed to transfer assets and cash amounting to$173 million in an attempt to partly recover the missing funds.

There will remain, however, a shortfall of $28 million in the recovery of the missing funds. Eko said the discrepancy was due to “the reclassification of investment booked in 2010

One can only speculate on what bizarre sequence of events and corporate governance lead to a President Director agreeing to “transfer” $173 million dollars as described above.  The article certainly provides little light on the shenanigans here.  For a publicly listed company the government regulator remains strangely (but for Indonesia not surprisingly silent).

Of most concern is Aburizal is a potential presidential candidate for Indonesia and the failure of the media to dig deeper and bring these issues to the light of day is one reason why indonesia so richly deserves the reputation as a commercial basket case and a zombie democracy.

For your reading pleasure and amazement include the article from the Jakarta Post in full below:

Troubled coal mining company PT Berau Coal Energy is planning to improve its finances, following a dire situation involving a dispute with its shareholders.

“We have seen the worst episode in terms of financial affairs,” president director Eko Santoso Budianto said after the company’s meeting of shareholders on the weekend.

“Our efforts to improve the situation include changes and more roles for commissioners so that we won’t see a repeat of what happened.”

Berau is 84.7 percent owned by London-listed Bumi plc, which is currently 23.8 percent indirectly owned by Bakrie Group. The politically wired Bakrie Group is controlled by members of the Bakrie family, among whom is Aburizal Bakrie, who is running for the 2014 presidential election. 

Bumi plc has been under media spotlight following disputes between its shareholders, particularly the Bakrie Group and cofounder British financier Nathaniel Rothschild, over good corporate governance issues, which then led to the resignation of a number of the London-based firm’s directors, for email hacking and alleged financial irregularities. Bumi plc recently conducted an internal audit for its finances and found missing funds of a total of US$201 million in 2011 and 2012. The funds are related to Berau’s unclear spending, such as land payments.

Bumi plc announced last week that it had signed an agreement with Berau’s former president director Rosan Roeslani, who agreed to transfer assets and cash amounting to$173 million in an attempt to partly recover the missing funds.

There will remain, however, a shortfall of $28 million in the recovery of the missing funds. Eko said the discrepancy was due to “the reclassification of investment booked in 2010”.

Eko said the agreement between Bumi plc and Rosan would involve a transfer of his entire 49-percent stake in PT Asian Bulk Logistics and 600 hectares of land owned by PT Borneo Prapatan Lestari to Berau. Rosan, according to Eko, was the majority shareholder of Borneo Prapatan Lestari.”

“Asian Bulk Logistics has a bulk [floating crane], which we have leased for 10 years. Borneo Prapatan Lestari’s land is also important because we have been renting the land for mining activities. All are in valuations,” Eko said.

“Whatever the form [of the assets to be transferred], I think the most important thing is that they are recovered,” Eko said, commenting on why the recovery involved payments made in transfer of assets rather than the interested party’s initial concerns, including the land payment itself.

Berau is targeting to produce up to 23 million tons of coal by year’s end, a 9 percent increase from 21 million tons in 2012. The company already produced 9.4 million tons in the first five months of the year, up by 5.6 percent from 8.9 million tons in the same period last year.

“All indications show realistic recovery. Our sales are higher than expected, our cost of production is lower than our expectation,” Eko said.

Finance director Scott Merrillees said the company aimed to lower its production cost to up to $42 per ton compared to its initial target of $45 per ton this year. He also said Berau would likely exercise an option to redeem its debt papers.

“We hope to refinance our bonds issued in 2010 with lower interest rates to relieve us. But we’ll need to see the market condition,” he said, adding shareholders had granted their approval for the debt paper refinancing.

Berau, through its completely owned subsidiary Berau Capital Resources Pte. Ltd., issued $450 million guaranteed senior secured notes in 2010, with a yield of 12.5 percent. According to its 2012 financial report, the company had an option to entirely or partly redeem the notes on or after July 8, 2013.

Merrillees said the company expected to offer the new debt papers with an interest rate of around 7 to 7.5 percent.

Berau’s shares, traded under the code BRAU, closed at Rp 192 apiece last Friday, increasing by 0.52 percent from the previous day.




Australia risks War with Indonesia over Asylum Seekers

Recycled Prime Minister Rudd didn’t take long to make a fool of himself by declaring the opposition party would risk a conflict with Indonesia should they get into power (which by the polls they will by landslide).

In a simply bizarre speech to the nation, PM Rudd declared that Opposition Leader Abbott’s proposal to turn back Asylum Seeker Boats could lead to conflict with Indonesia. He then inferred this could lead to Armed Conflict similar to the conflict involving Indonesian and Australian troops in Malaysia in the sixties.

Of course, the lunacy of such claims is one thing but more repugnant is the drawing of international relationships into the grubby world of domestic politics.    To make things worse, Rudd is planning to keep the Gillard agenda of an Indonesian visit just weeks prior to the election.

English: Kevin Rudd, Australian politician

English: Kevin Rudd, Australian politician (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Indonesian politicians must be rubbing their hands together with undisguised glee/greed knowing full well Rudd and Labor are desperate for a feel good headline on the Asylum Seeker issue which has degenerated into a billion dollar farce thanks to Rudd’s earlier incompetence.

The whole world knows the boat people issue is bleeding the government dry in popular opinion Rudd desperately needs something to turn the polls around during his honeymoon period before the electorate at large recalls what a socially inept and dysfunctional person he is. Indonesian politicians never shy making a dollar, will milk millions if not billions of dollars from Australia as Rudd spends whatever it takes at the expense of the Australian Taxpayer to achieve an temporary bounce in the polls.